
River Rats on the Mississippi


{Luigi skiing at 53 mph} 

{Bowser, if you haven't caught it yet, the show was Mario themed} 

 {barefoot skiers}

{Mario, Luigi, and some other dude landing some sort of seriously difficult jump}


My man knows me.  One night he came home from work and off-handedly mentioned how some co-workers were talking about the Twin Cities River Rats waterskiing show.  They told him that they have a performance on the Mississippi River nearly every Thursday night and do awesome tricks like human pyramids and ski jumps. Families come, pack picnic dinners, and watch the show.  He said, "It sounded like something you'd like." Hello, this was an event tailor made to my liking! Then he mentioned it was FREE. Double score. The only thing that could make it better was if gypsies put on the show. We looked up how long it would take to drive over to the river, planned our trip for that same week, and anxiously waited.  I dreamed of gypsies flying across the river in all their river rat glory, long greasy hair waving behind them, golden coins on their water suits glittering.

Sadly, gypsies didn't do the skiing.  But we still had an awesome time. We laid out our blanket and rolled out the cooler, sat down to dinner and enjoyed the show.  Sawyer was in awe. Mama was in awe. Dada was awful hungry, but also in awe. We chased Sawyer around for most of the second half of the show because keeping that boy away from water is like trying to mix oil with water, but we anticipated that and I pulled out my secret weapon: starbursts and suckers in small, rewarding doses.  Afterwards, we packed up with amazing efficiency and changed our little river mouse into his jammies, then drove home to dream of gypsies.

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