
21 weeks

I've had a nasty summer cold this week so sleeping has been extraordinarily terrible.  The only thing that makes zzzz's happen at all right now anyway is my Boppy mommy pillow- a HUGE, FABULOUS person of a pillow.  It's a never-ending, re-arrange into any position, sleep rescuer.  Jeff brought it home to me as a thoughtful husband gift a few weeks ago. He knows I never sleep well when pregnant, not like I bother him about it or anything (ahem, grunting and whining and thrashing at night do not count as bothering).  But these past nights not even my Boppy has helped. 

On a much more pleasant note, I visited the midwife this week (I couldn't get in last week) for a routine appointment. She said our baby girl was looking fabulous on the ultrasound, may be coming a few days early, and is already measuring in the 95%ile. She said everything looked "perfect." Isn't it comforting when healthcare professionals use such fear-assuaging adjectives? It's so reassuring to me, especially as a mama who takes child-bearing so personally.  I realize that not all factors of the growth and development process are up to me, but I'm really careful to do all that I can to be informed of what I can do to help and contribute positively to my baby.  I drive Jeff crazy sometimes with all my "is this cheese made with pasteurized milk?" and "is this lunch meat freshly sliced, or pre-packaged?" or any number of "baby doesn't like that........"{fill in the blank with numerous foods, drinks, physical exertions, and negative emotions}. Perhaps it's a little over-protective already, but it's just my way of showing my dear girl some love.

In the wise words of my favorite silly old bear:
"Some people care too much. I think it's called love."- Winnie the Pooh



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