
Weekend Mirths

This weekend was full of "Bones" episodes (Jeffrey and I are seriously obsessed), snickerdoodles revisited, girls' night, and lots of General Conference watching. Basically, it was wonderful.

At girls' night, we had a jolly good time baking cookies and crafting lovely headbands.

And on Sunday, I used up the last of my herbs for a delicious roasted chicken.

Hope you had a great weekend too!


  1. I tried to be crafty this weekend too... and my friend made a peacock hair clip and I thought of you. http://www.lovelyindeed.com/?p=261

  2. i love bones too!! we should get together soon so i can see you and you can teach me all of your adorable skills!

  3. Rach- I love your friend's clip!! So cute!!

    Jacq-we shoud totally get together, it's been waaay too long!
