
Musing: Optimism

Jeffrey gave me the nicest complement yesterday. Well, I’m not sure he intended it to be a complement, that’s one of the great things about Jeffrey. He’s not a brown-nosing, fraudulent, tongue-in-cheek kind fellow. He’s honest. That’s why I take little treasures like this as complements, because I know that at least to him, it is a truth.

He said I’m an optimist; doom and gloom don’t suit me at all. As far as I can remember, I’ve always tried to wear rose-colored glasses, see my glass half full, look for the sun, and all those other optimistic things. However, as I have grown older and experienced more and more of the realities of life, I think that faith is what keeps my optimism afloat. Faith that no matter how bad things may seem, there is a greater purpose to everything, and if I can just stick it out, I will eventually come to see the good.

I know we could all use a little more optimism and a little less doom and gloom. The playwright J.M. Barrie said, “Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.” I would say the opposite is true as well: when we bring sunshine into our own lives, we will not be able to keep it to ourselves, rather, we will want to share it. I hope you all have a light-filled weekend, no matter if the sun in the sky is shining, or rain is pouring down, or a storm brews inside. Light will come. And when it does, please share :)

1 comment:

  1. Add this to your rays of sunshined optimism....a newly discovered favorite of mine by Lucille Johnson, “Happiness is both a state and a trait. The STATE of happiness is a mood that comes and goes. The TRAIT of happiness is a predisposition to a feeling of well-being…If you have developed a happiness TRAIT, you will be happy regardless of life's circumstances.” You are optimistic my Rachel Lovely! Keep raining sunshine!
