
A Bunch of Thankful Turkeys

Every Monday our little bunch has a special family night where we spend some good old fashioned quality and quantity time together.  Some nights we march around and play instruments, other times we head out to the park or a special activity, we've been known to hand out family-made treats to our neighbors, and occasionally we just sing songs, share stories, then cuddle our bug during a movie.  I also like to sprinkle in some substance to these nights of fun, so we usually talk about things going on in our family and take some time to teach Sawyer about them (usually just a microsecond though, he's not one for sitting around).

We had one of those aforementioned, more substantial activities this Monday to kick-off the month of November with a focus on being grateful- ya know, a sort of Thanksgiving countdown.  But I've also been worried lately that while so many good things happen to us, we sometimes forget to acknowledge them openly. Then I was reading this article and came across the quote that is now most happily plastered to our door: "A grateful person is rich in contentment.  An ungrateful person suffers in the poverty of endless discontentment." We've had the wonderful pleasure of being students our entire married lives and we're usually getting punched in the face with tuition and part-time paychecks, so this particular allusion to gratitude and riches struck home with me.

I realize that graphic design here is non-existent and the project is definitely lacking in 21st century cuteness (like, "come on Rach, construction paper and markers?!"), but my babe loves to trace his mitts, can't get enough of pumpkins, and especially sweet to me is whenever I put a paper turkey hand up on the door I feel like my mom.  She was always decking our halls in the most clever, well-thought-out, family focused, fun substance that filled our childhood with color. And I'm still grateful for her handiwork- in fact I think I'll go put a turkey up for her.

Feel free to be thankful with us turkey lurkeys this month! Let me know if you manage to come up with something better than construction paper :)

1 comment:

  1. I am sooo thankful for you, my sweet, and all the color that you have brought into our lives! I think I will go decorate a door :)
