
2 Months Away From 2

He thinks knives are cool, and anytime we're in the kitchen and I turn my back he's devising a new way to sneak one out.  Only he calls them "sharks."  He also loves to help me cook and his favorite way to help is to shake spices into dishes while narrating his cookery with a "sheek sheek sheek!"

We search the skies when we hear the rotors of a "dachu"- you might say, "helicopter" but he says "dachu." Buses and trash trucks are also very popular around here.

He wakes up in the morning and demands to watch a show, then after finishing one episode of Magic School Bus, tilts his head down and cocks it a bit to the right, holds up his index finger and points it at me saying, "un mow." I hold up my index finger and push it back at his and, because I can't resist his charm, consent to one more episode.

He loves shoes! He loves to shop! He is my son!
He loves any and all electronics: light up toys, TVs, computers, tablets, cameras, game consoles, arcades.....he is Jeff's son too.

He's very concerned with proper turns these days. But he's kind enough to make sure that everyone is included and gets their turn.  At least for Mama and Dada and Baby (how he refers to himself, but also any other person is a "baby" too). Sometimes kids don't get a turn if they want his favorite toy....

We know where all the kitties in the neighborhood live.  Also, where there are bikes that are too big for Baby, big enough for Mama, and ones that will only fit Dada. There's usually a spot of trouble when we get our sights on bikes or tricycles just right for our Goldilocks-the boy wants a bike real bad and has a hard time passing them by.

Sawyer is such a good boy but he's got some dervish in him. Just look at that sweet face up there and it will tell you all.  I'm amazed at his intelligence and intuitiveness everyday.  If I had to define him in one term right now: keen.  He's full of eagerness and enthusiasm.  He loves to help, loves to explore, loves what each new day and experience bring.  He's also intense, aware, and intelligent and responds very well to having the world around him explained as he explores and observes.  Almost every night at pillow talk Jeff and I recall the things he did that day and sum it all up with, "he's so amazing." We love our almost 2 year old Lucky boy.

1 comment:

  1. In the infamous words taken from Ichabod, "Who could resist those charms?".....not me!
