
35 weeks

At our ultrasound our little darling was weighing in right on time and at almost 7 lbs-and most of her size was in her belly! Thank goodness it's not her head! It's no secret I love a chubby baby so she can have all the Buddha belly she can muster in these last few weeks.  She still doesn't like having her pod probed and she keeps her hands snuggled by her face during most of the ultrasound, but occasionally we got a peak of her adorable face and kissy lips and little chub of a nose.  It's certainly not a surprise, but still so astounding that she looks and acts differently than Sawyer did and it's a treat to see her little personality shine through. Though I will admit I'm getting to the point where the supposing and suspense about her are killing me, and I'm ready to know just what she is like.  Not long now!

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