
28 Weeks

28 weeks was a busy week for us, starting with a visit to the midwives. Everything is looking great, and one of my favorite midwives, Sue, said that she'd like for us to start seeing our old perinatologist again just to be safe.  This is actually great news, because Dr. Dizon-Townsen is fabulous, we always felt so reassured and confident in her care, and I've really been missing that assurance this pregnancy. Plus, more baby pictures for us! I'm excited to get some leads on an arrival date and would like to know, should I be buying more newborn sizes, or stick to the 3-month chunker outfits?....

I also had my glucose screening for gestational diabetes and a blood draw for my specially-mixed cocktail shot (a.k.a., RhoGAM) since I'm Rh negative.  That was like 3 trips to the Dr. in one week, which is a little unsavory, so Sawyer and I baked up some goods to counteract the hospital after-taste.  I'm craving anything cheesy, chicken-y and bread-y these days, and caramel and apples call my name from every direction. Sawyer is totally on board with these cravings, and I'm assuming baby girl is too, so together with my little partners in crime, I'm gobbling up comfort food goodness as we plunge into the last trimester. Only 3 more months to go!


  1. Lookin' good Trach! Don't think I have ever seen a pregnant mom with such panache! (That was a GRE word)

  2. I love seeing your updates! You look amazing, and I love that outfit!! I'm curious about your experience with midwives, I will have to talk to you about it sometime. You look great!

  3. You look so good! I love the updates! I'm still trying to figure out how to get ready with a baby...looks like you've mastered it!
