
4 months

Sawyer's Stats: 27.5 in long (still 99%ile!), 16.5 lbs, I still squeeze him into 3 mos onsies but only 9 mos pants will do!

Basically, he's one long kid with one big head and two very blue eyes.

Sawyer LOVES to observe and takes great interest in the world and people.  He has very expressive eyes. At times it seems he is looking into my soul, or letting me see into his, the way his deep baby blues look at me.

He loves to be outside.  Sometimes when he starts getting fussy, all I have to do is grab some toys and a blanket and head out to the patch of lawn in front of our apartment.  He'll settle down immediately and take up chewing on toys or watching cars pass by.

But every superhero has his kryptonite, and right now that's sleep for Sawyer.  He is back to waking every 2 hours like a newborn, sometimes to eat, sometimes to fuss, sometimes just to be held. It's been pretty challenging for me to get up with him and then not be a mama zombie during the day, so we're going to talk to our doctor and see what we can do to help him.

Back to being a superhero.  At 4 months Soy boy can roll onto his back, then back onto his stomach, and he loves to have us support him so he can stand.  If that's not mama bragging, then this is: the pediatrician said he has very advanced muscle tone, at least a month or two ahead of schedule.  I said he gets that from his mama :) (I'm not so sure if the doctor laughed......) And just like at 2 months, he took his vaccination shots like a champ.  Just jab, jab, deep breaths, cry for 15 seconds, then snuggle mama.

He's amazing, and I ask myself every day how did we ever get so lucky, or so blessed?

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