
22 weeks and a 23rd birthday

I'm calling this my first official bump! Don't belittle it.....it certainly feels large to me and I'm now feeling like a legitimate pregnant lady-tight pants, slight waddle (though I try my best NOT to waddle), itchy belly skin, and uncomfortable, sleep-scarce nights.

{22 weeks}

It's all quite new and positively remarkable as I observe these amazing-and as Jeffrey constantly reminds me- beautiful changes. It's taking some adjusting, but this little bump serves as a daily reminder of our new commitment and responsibilities, and as it grows, so does our joy and excitement.

Other exciting news: I had a birthday! And it was a caramel apple filled affair (I'm LOVING caramel apples right now-I think about how I can incorporate them into every meal, or food group, or snack), topped off with family and wonderful friends and crisp Autumn weather. Birthdays make me feel like I love the world and like the world loves me back. Thanks to everyone who in any big or small way helped to make my day special (and yes, facebook comments totally count:) but so does dessert making, or dinner making, or gift giving, or texting, or positive thoughts, or anything really).

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