
Weekend Mirths

Yes. It is the middle of the week and I'm finally getting around to weekend mirths. It's been that kind of week; high-stress, too much to do, never enough time in the day, but oh my, we had a nice weekend.

{orchids from my valentine}

{home made valentines}


And oh my, are we going to have an0ther great weekend.


Jeff are I are traveling down to Arizona by way of Vegas. I've never been to Vegas so I'm really excited to go! After traipsing around a bit, we're continuing south to spend the long weekend with my sister.

It makes the long week so worthwhile!
Wish me luck in Sin City! Be back next week!

P.S.-I had my 9 month (!!!!) check-up this week and the doctor says I'm doing great. I still can't believe it....

1 comment:

  1. Love your valentines! Also, how fun that you are going to AZ! That sounds so fun! Enjoy Vegas-it is pretty cool, especially if you've never been. And tell Krista and Steve hi! And enjoy that Mexican restaurant, because I'm betting you'll go ;)
