
Organizing Chic

Many people ask me these days how I keep myself busy since I'm, you know, recovering and all. I'll admit when you're not taking classes or working, you have a lot of time on your hands. Enter crafts and cleaning. These two activities (plus maybe a little shopping here and there) have been my main events for the past 7 months. This organizer combines both crafting and cleaning into one glorious afternoon, and one chic piece of functional decor.

What you'll need:
Dry erase board or cork board, in a frame
Fabric- 1/2 yd-1 yd depending of size of your board
Glue Gun

First, accordion the fabric twice so that you have two pockets. Check the depth of the pockets to be sure they are deep enough for papers, notes, and envelopes.

{mmmm....yummy carpet}

Fold edges of fabric back so they are the proper width for your board and pin in place.
This is the point at which it would be nice to sew-simply run a straight line stitch up both sides of the fabric. It would be nice to do. In fact, I recommend it. But I didn't do it :)
I just glued the pieces to the backside.

Arrange your fabric on your board. Glue in place, being sure to glue all edges down securely, especially the top.

Hang and enjoy!

There, wasn't that easy?

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