
Our Easter, 2015

{Easter at Historic Kirtland}

 {and the award for best Easter house goes to...}

This year for Easter we skipped the anxiety of egg dye and simply colored on eggs. Kind of lame, but once we began we felt perfectly justified. First, we discovered that Elouise loves to color on eggs, and paper, and her face, and anything else surrounding her station.  No matter how much we practice coloring, she will not stick to her assigned area.  Coloring outside the lines....that sounds poetically like my Louie, and now we know it is also literally how our Lou handles colors.  

Sawyer, on the other hand, colored his eggs beautifully with gusto.  Upon discovering that if he cracked the egg, he could not only color it but also eat it, he began cracking and consuming with gusto as well. He colored a few eggs, then ate a few eggs everyday.  Spreading out the fun and thinking of different ways and materials to color and cover the eggs with, along with little mess to clean up, made me feel a lot less guilty about refusing to break out the little cups and vinegar.  

In other Easter news, we had three egg hunts this year. One at church on Saturday, one inside Easter morning, and the final one out in the sunshine after all the sessions of General Conference were finished.  At church, we arrived 2 minutes too late thanks to Miss Lou's afternoon nap, but the children were all so kind I nearly began to cry. Each took three of their own eggs and hid them for Sawyer and Elouise to find. Even after sharing three, they kept coming over and giving my babies more eggs. We felt so loved. Easter morning we did an egg hunt with a nod to the best egg hunts at Jeff's grandma Janeen's, by hiding both candy and money eggs. Let's be real, candy is nice but we all want the money eggs! The final hunt was spread out all over the back 2 acres, and he who gathered the most eggs won the chocolate duck- and he who won was, of course, Sawyer boy. He was living the pages of Max's Chocolate Chicken and Happy Easter Critter and he loved every minute.  Sweet Lula was busy finding out what was in the eggs she picked up-being only concerned with the candy ones- and chasing birds and playing with a ball to be overly interested in amassing large quantities of eggs.  By the end of the day, Louie's tummy was full of sugar and Sawyer's pockets were jingling.  

 {quiet moments before starting the day}

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