
We're Goin' to the Zoo

The Minnesota Zoo has been our good friend these past few months when we've needed an escape from the most unwelcoming weather.  Louie most loves the fish and water tanks.  Sawyer loves the sharks, and running around, and the monkeys, and running around, and the farm babies and.......you get the idea.  In addition to all the obvious reasons why we love the zoo, I love going because I come out feeling like super mom.  Chasing around the Sawyer Dart with a baby strapped to my chest is no leisurely day, just out visiting with animals, but along with the exhaustion I feel empowered that I can manage to wrangle (relatively) good behavior and a good time for both my babes.  Having two kiddos has been a pretty smooth adjustment for me, or at least it was once I realized that life with two wouldn't always be smooth. It's pretty hectic, actually. And on a daily basis it would be easy to feel like there's not enough Mama to go around, but rather than feel inadequate I look for ways to gain these little victories, like the zoo, and use some of that empowerment to propel me through the rough spots that inevitably pop up here and there. Amazingly, even with a few bumps and hectic speeds, we're able to achieve a pretty good ride in the end.

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