
Let's All Bask in Lou, Shall We?



She's strong and she's calm and as sweet as you please.

I hardly even knew what her cry sounded like for the first few weeks of her life. She just never cried. All she wants is milk, sleep, a quickly-changed diaper, and someone to love.

She holds you, wrapping her tiny little arm around your arm and placing her fist by your neck. It's one of the most glorious things in this world.

From the moment I first looked at her, she has looked right into me.  Most babies take a bit time to adjust to looking straight at things, or tracking movements or people with their eyes. Not this baby.  She has tracked and looked and seen since minute one.

She loves to nestle into her hands.  Mostly, she curls them up under her chin and tucks up her arms too, perching like a little precious moments figuring. Oh. Too. Cute.


  1. Rachel, I am obsessed with her!! Congratulations!! What a DARLING girl! Love her name too!

  2. She is the sweetest thing!!! I LOVE HER!
