
A Happy Ending

{all that hard work makes a man tired}

Jeff will wrap up 12 semesters of one heck of a grueling major this week.  You could never convince me that there's a harder undergrad than Electrical Engineering.  It's really been nothing but long, hard work full of lab hours, project hours, hours and hours and hours and hours of homework, class hours, hours and hours in the testing center...and on top of that he's been a supportive husband to a cancer-stricken, pregnant (twice), over-achieving, and loving wife who has selfish desires for all his non-school hours and then some.  Oh and I have mentioned he's not only worked to support himself the entire time, but also his family. He's stinking amazing.

There are some important pieces of information regarding the student experience that a transcript can't show. If they could, he'd be the stand-out student.  

Though some aspects and advantages of our current lifestyle we're going to miss, we're excited to move on from this stage of life and try out some of that great, big world.  Thankfully, Jeff will have a week or two of hard-earned Christmas-show watching and napping on the couch to recover before we venture into the wild yonder of America's workforce.

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