
37 weeks

A collections of things from 37 weeks:

Mmmm....cereal.  I would eat it all day every day if it covered all my food groups.

Peanut butter-delish. Peanut butter cereal......oh yes! Great way to start the day. And end it.

I'm nesting once again. Cleaning, making lists, finalizing baby crafts, setting up for the holidays, and getting ready to pack those hospital bags.

Jeff, on the other hand, is anti-nesting.  He doesn't want to do any baby raindancing until my mom gets here next week so he's refusing to pack his bag, won't set the bassinet up next to the bed, and definitely will not put the car seat in the car.

I'd do all these things for him, but I feel huge and lumber a bit when I walk. Little baby girl likes to ride low these days, right around my bladder-which is her favorite pillow or punching bag, depending.  Beyond that, I'm already dilated to 3 cm and 70% effaced, so combine that with my daily red raspberry tea drinking and birth ball bouncing and I should probably just take it easy myself.

We'll just be staying close to home from now on, enjoying the comfort of our normal routine as a family of three and counting the days until we embark on our journey as a family of four.


  1. Seriously! Could you be a cutter pregnant momma? Who looks that great while pregnant? You are darling. I hope you don't mind that I occasionally spy on your blog. I hope all goes well with the baby. Good luck with 2 kids. It's so fun.

  2. You look amazing! I love reading your blog. Good luck with the last few weeks... you're in the homestretch!
