
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

{welcome flowers}
I guess this two bedroom place is coming in handy these days. Besides Jeffrey being able to fit TWO fish tanks in there (really messing with my feng shui) it also provides ample space for house guests, of which we have had several.

Staring with...Mama!! who came out for a whopping delightful three weeks! We had so much fun together, well, besides the whole chemotherapy thing. One of the very first things we did was get our hair cut. Since I love love love having long hair, I had a lot of hair to get rid of and decided to donate it to Locks of Love.

I didn't even cry! I just thought, "What the heck, its all about to fall out anyway." That, and I've really been wanting to try straight bangs :)



{more before, and more after; bottom right is totally a wig...just rockin' all my new styles}

After mama came, my MIL Allison paid us a nice little visit. We had the most relaxing time, that is if we ignore the tiny little stress of trying to get treated, then finding out that my white blood cell count was WAY too low ( a 0.5!!!-- normal is 10-12), meaning that I was at such a high risk of infection a cold could have killed me, so I was turned away and had to wait for a couple of days. But really, other than that we had a jolly time. I learned to crochet!

Then came Lauren.
She was really really excited to come, see:

{lovely Lars, excited}

And I was really, really excited to have her...AND still have my hair!
{bffs, both with heads full of hair}

I showed her what happens to you if you stay in Provo too long:

{the result of too much Happy Valley}

Coming up...Oso!! Getting ready for big daddy to finally grace us with his presence.

We're so happy to house all these visitors. They keep me company and help care for Jeff Jeff and I, lighten the load, and definitey liven things up around here.

Thanks to all who are reaching out to us, not only through visiting, meals, and cleaning my house, but also for the cards and packages. I'm doing great, and I don't doubt that it is, in a very large part, due to you.

1 comment:

  1. Rach I love keeping up with your blog and seeing all the pictures :) thanks for posting! I love you!!
