
No Empty Chairs

My grandparents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary this year and my Mama gathered the entire family together for a surprise party in their honor.  She orchestrated the most beautiful gift: a family tree (drawn by Robyn!) with leaves that each member of the family stamped on with a fingerprint.  We all signed our names and took turns stamping prints for the few that couldn't come. I must have had a serious brain lapse that prevented my picture-taking, or as you can see above, I was too busy scarfing Brookie's always-fabulous desserts.

Speaking of Brooke, she worked hard to pull together a family memory video, "kid-history" style. Each family was assigned questions about Gram and Pappap like, "what was their favorite thing to do as kids", and "what's the thing you hear Gram and Pappap say the most" and then took video clips of their answers.  All compiled together, it was a funny and heartfelt video full of family.   

It was wonderful to celebrate my grandparents' life and love with so many from my family.  I know that their greatest wish is that their family be together forever, with no empty chairs, and it's a goal and a legacy that I want to fulfill for them.

Love you Gram and Pappap! Thank you so much for all your love!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out Rach :) Was my honor to fill your tummy with desserts and to make the video! Great pictures above!! Some wonderful ones of gram and pappap.
