
Beauty and Belief

Summer is flying by and we're trying to catch the last little bits of it before Jeffrey heads back to the grind of school. Our summer has been special and unique, and we're pretty sure we'll never have another one like it for quite some time. Jeff is done with work by 7:30am and he isn't taking any summer classes, so from about 8am on, my boys and I have an open invitation to do whatever we want.

The Museum of Art at BYU has an exhibit that we've been meaning to see since it's opening, it's the Beauty and Belief exhibit featuring over 250 various pieces of Islamic art.  I (wrongfully) snapped a few pictures capturing the feel of the exhibit so we could remember what it was like.  It was amazing.  I think what impressed us both so much was how art was incorporated into nearly everything, little or big, ordinary or ornamentation; it took beauty to a whole new level.  In our mass-produced, cookie-cutter reality, this was a whole new world...(sorry for the Aladdin reference, I just couldn't resist!!)

{even our Sawyer was pretty amazed}

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