
Family First

We've been wearing ourselves ragged by moving piece by piece, a little of this and that each day for the past week.  We started with small things and are gradually moving to things used daily and then we'll finish with furniture.  Jeff isn't letting me move anything that won't have a place to go, so I'm in the middle of some serious de-junking.

We're still living in, and managing, the old apartments until the 23rd so we feel scattered right now. Well, all of us except for Sawyer babe.  He is in LOVE with our new place.  He's very relaxed and calm and plays so well here. It's amazing to see the change in him and it's almost as if he is the display for the entire family's emotions. We all feel a little better about what is happening and going on in our family life. To move was a difficult decision and is requiring some sacrifice in areas we haven't really had to give on previously, but we are so happy. I'm proud of myself and Jeffrey for evaluating our family needs and considering what is most important to us and then acting on that combined information.  This was our first, solid, "Family First" decision that we made together, and it's exactly the kind of decision pattern we want to establish for our family for the remainder of our lives. We've always believed and talked about how important family is to us, and now we've backed those words with action.

Go team Klis.

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