
Maryland for Miss Natalie

As my cousin Natalie prepared for her mission to Natal, Brazil, we had the joy of supporting her as she went through the Washington, DC temple.  I love this temple. It is so beautiful, inside and out, in a way that I was unaccustomed to since I've mostly attended temples out west. Many designs for temples are inspired from the landscape and surroundings and heritage of the area where each is built, so being in an eastern temple, and a large one at that, was incredible (and a lot like coming home). I was nearly speechless walking around the temple grounds-which my dad helped clear prior to building, and later returned to design and plant....years ago- and felt a bit like a snoop inside the temple, peeking around at every room and staircase. We had such a marvelous day with our family and Natalie, and I was grateful to Shane for babysitting my babies so I could be a part of Natalie's special day. I am so proud of her and her decision to serve a mission. Now that I have a daughter of my own, I more deeply appreciate examples of strong, courageous, and faithful women and I've been privileged to see Natalie become just such a woman.

Wishes for the best 18 months to Natalie, now Sister Talentino!

{Elouise was at every door, knocking}

{This is the temple where they married, and we got all nostalgic about it}

{Poor Sawyer was hot and unbothered by anything- 
he was out-of-sorts after a July full of traveling and schedule breaking}

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