
Build a Better Box


"Hey Mama, let's make somefin, wif a box."

It all began one day, when after watching an inspiring episode of Curious George, Curious Sawyer suggested we build him a robot costume to rival that of George.  We set about gathering boxes (of which we have a shameful amount, thanks to post-Christmas sales and amazon) and paper and scissors for Mama.  Sawyer led the whole way. Of course, I offered suggestions of materials to fulfill his ideas, but a lot of things, like the buttons on the robot, he came up with all by his three-year old self.

Thus we embarked on the great cardboard box building quest; from robot to spaceship to train to pirate ship to Pride Rock to his own personal shipping crate to the jungle to a Brachiosaurus which recently evolved into a giant horse (so, sorry Darwin...but we make our own evolutionary rules).  Every time, Sawyer knows exactly what he wants to build and instructs me on this and that and where and how. It's a different creation each time, but always begins with, "Hey Mama, let's make somefin, wif a box. Let's do det a box!"

 {knights who ride dinosaurs must wear their riding boots}

1 comment:

  1. You're the coolest mom ever! What a great (FREE) idea, Rach!
