
Bright, Wintry Day

The sun was shining and we needed a cure for our cabin fever, so after donning all our warm gear, we walked out into the white that has become our world.  It's a known fact that Sawyer loves the snow, and never minds how low the temperature gets, but Elouise has more freeze baby tendencies, so I've sheltered and bundled her and scurried her from warm place to warm place, until now.  To my surprise, she loves the snow! She laughs at it, she lays down on the ground to rub her face in it and eat it, and if it didn't make her hands cold, she would love holding it (but, hey, wouldn't we all?).

We girlies had to run to keep up with Mr. Adventure, who's new trick is grabbing a (mittened) handful of snow and tossing it high into the air shouting, "Sprinkles!" and then melting into a laughing puddle of joy. Then he bounces back up to get more snow and do it all over again.

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