
We Fancy Fall


Change is not comfortable for me.  I'm a settler.  Roots, traditions, familiarity, other such comfort-eliciting what-have-you's are near and dear to my existence. Our past year has brought many changes and a good measure of discomfort (if I'm honest) and opportunity to stretch my known existence (if I'm optimistic).  It's been hard to experience many new things at once and to try to generate a positive metamorphosis at every turn, though I appreciate and know the growth factor of diversity.  

So it is with an abundance of irony that I find myself, in what will hopefully be the last big change of the year, landed in a place that is extremely familiar and comfortable, yet transformative in its familiarity and comfort.  I feel like everyday is a sigh of relief; I feel renewed in  the old.  And finally, as the weight lifts from remembered strength, I can appreciate what is new and improved. 

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