
Weekend Mirths, Celebrating 8 months

Sawyer boy weighs in at 22.4 lbs, is 29 inches long and is a fluffy-white wiggle machine with ticklish feet.

He's looking more like his daddy every day, and growing more smart and sneaky and mischievous like...well, both of us back in our days.

He loves digging through our shoe bin, winding his daddy's spare fishing reel, shoving toys (or anything, really) into his mouth and then crawling around with them dangling underneath him. Oh and books! How he loves books, especially touch and feel books. It's about the only time he'll sit still. He's got the flick of his fingers movement down pat, and he'll use it make everything spin-"the stick", seen in the background above, keys, spinning toys, wheels on trucks, trains, strollers, and laundry baskets, and he'll use it to open drawers.  Sawyer babe loves rifling through drawers! And boxes. And baskets.  And trash. But I try to prevent that one from happening whenever possible.

He takes no pacifier, chews on sippy cups and spoons, and loves drinking straight from the tap.  Besides loving yogurt melts and strawberries and ham, he loves eating paper.  Paper might just be the great love of his life right now.  We have to keep books, magazines, receipts, mail, wrappers, cardboard, and tags all put away or out of reach or things go missing....

Sawyer can crawl, pop a squat, climb up on smaller things, and walk with one-handed assistance.  For those of you who may be interested, his speech is developing nicely. He reduplicates ma-ma and ba-ba, and has started variegated babbling as well. He's getting good at self-feeding and actually prefers it to being spoon fed.  

Such a kingly child deserves a faithful steed, but faithful steeds are in short supply around here so we had to settle for a chariot to parade king Sawyer around in for his birthday celebration. We unwittingly created a chariot monster-he just can't get enough.

Happy 8 months Sawyer! I'm going to go hide the quilt now....

P.S.- Is that robot sweater just so dern cute or what? It's killing me, especially with his daddy wearing his Star Wars shirt at the same time. Ahhh my nerdy men.

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