
Two Years, Briefly

Jeffrey and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary yesterday. In case you've missed out on what we've been up to, here's the nutshell:

We met in January of 2008, did homework together, became best friends, and decided to add love to mix.

In October 2008, we got engaged. It wasn't a complete surprise- together we custom designed both of our rings- although seeing our ring on my finger everyday after the engagement was a delightful shock.

May 2010-we got hitched in Nauvoo, Illinois. We think our weekend wedding experience was a dream, the best-ever wedding, and don't even try to argue with us about it (although we do hope that everyone feels that their wedding was the best ever).

Then we began playing house,

had some adventures,

had one really big crazy adventure,

moved again,

{the infamous, much disliked carpet...}

found out that cancer was conquered,

and in the midst of an ever-continuing adventure, we moved again (yes, that's 3 moves in 2 years-I'd like to stay put for awhile now if you please).

{the uncooperative weather on the day that we moved}

We celebrated our 2nd anniversary simply, just with dinner and presents. I suppose that with all that we had been through this past year, neither of us felt the need for the traditional pomp and celebration. A quiet recognition of where we've been, who we are, and the future of who we will become was quite enough.

{presents!, my "Hooray for 2 years" watch}

{lest we ever forget what 2 years of marriage looked like}


  1. Rach I love this post!! What a great run down of the past or "best" 2 years. :) Made me smile the whole way through!

  2. Oh Rach this is my favorite post ever!! So precious. I hate seeing you in that stupid hospital bed!! I may or may not be crying right now....if i am im blaming it on my baby!! Here's to many more years!!
