

I'm sorry my blog has been terribly neglected lately.

Life has been a bit of a whirlwind lately and I'm sorry to report that I've just been along for the ride, lacking the energy to really take charge. Here's what has been going on:

  • Finals. 'Nuff said.
  • Jeff is building a computer. In the meantime, I have no where to store my pictures. You may have noticed the lack of picture pizzaz lately...
  • Moving. Yes, we're moving! I thought we'd live out the rest of our college experience in the place of the nasty carpet, but I was wrong. We were lucky enough to be offered a position as managers for an apartment complex (free rent!!) so we're moving. And downsizing. Packing has been a nightmare, because, have I ever mentioned, I'm a bit of a pack rat?
  • Spring semester just begun, three days after the end of winter semester and Jeff Jeff and I are both taking full class loads and working on top of packing, moving, and reorganizing.

Basically, we've just been trying to maintain sanity in this neck of woods. April came, and with brought spring and birthdays and April fools and a whole slew of other things that I completely forgot about. But at least the trees and flowers are looking lovely and lively once again.

I hope that spring has brought bright, beautiful blossoms your way! Utah's crazy freeze/thaw spring season is driving us bonkers. I took my coats to the dry cleaners the other day only to wake up to morning snow showers, followed by a healthy dose of wind and sunshine in the afternoon, then hail by dinnertime.

At times like these, a good quote is an invaluable perk-up:

"Stop looking for the storms more fully enjoy the sunlight."-Gordon B. Hinckley

Stay tuned. Once I catch up to my life, I'll have so much to share!
In the meantime, enjoy the sunlight

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